Uri Hershberg

Email: uri@sci.haifa.ac.il Website: https://simlab.haifa.ac.il/ Statement: My Research interests have for some time been focused on how we (and other biological systems) understand things in the world. Specifically how context changes…

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Shlomo Wagner

Professor Shlomo Wagner, Ph.D. Head, Sagol Department of Neurobiology, The University of Haifa, Haifa, Israel. Email: shlomow@research.haifa.ac.il Website: https://shlomowagner-lab.haifa.ac.il/  Statement: We study the neurobiological mechanisms underlying the social behavior of…

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Shani Stern

Email: sstern@univ.haifa.ac.il Website: https://www.shanistern-diseasemodelinglab.com/ Statement: My lab uses advanced stem cell technologies to study the neurophysiology of patient-derived neurons and organoids for bipolar disorder, Parkinson's disease, and autism spectrum disorder.…

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Matan Mussel

Email: mmussel@sci.haifa.ac.il Website:  https://matanmus.github.io/ Statement: We study nonlinear properties of the cell constituents. Examples include the lipid melting transition, volume transition in polyelectrolyte gels, and hydrodynamics of the cytoplasm, and their…

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Rachel Kolodny

Email: trachel@gmail.com Website:  https://cs.haifa.ac.il/~trachel/ Statement: Studying the protein universe computationally. Comparing and modelling protein structures; efficiently searching for proteins in large databases.  Developing efficient algorithms for dealing with three-dimensional biological…

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Judith Somekh

Email: judith_somekh@is.haifa.ac.il Website: https://sites.google.com/is.haifa.ac.il/judithsomekh Statement: I am intrigued by the challenges of using data science and data analysis techniques for understanding the development of diseases and their driving mechanisms. My goal…

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Osnat Mokryn

Email: ossimo@gmail.com Website:  https://www.scan.haifa.ac.il Statement: We develop and employ models to extract knowledge from data. We study big data gathered from user-generated content (online reviews and other social media) and the…

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Bella Vakulenko-Lagun

Email: blagun@stat.haifa.ac.il Website:  https://stat.hevra.haifa.ac.il/index.php/en/academic-staff-he/bella-vakulenko-lagun#  Statement: I have a relatively broad range of research interests, most of which are about the design and analysis of observational studies. My current research focuses…

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