CBQB mini-smyposiums

At least once a semester (but hopefully more) we will meet to discuss different example of how  biological dynamics and interactions across scales lead to  multi cellular co-operation and behavior. Focusing specifically on the computatonal and experimental methods used to reach our understanding.  Every mini symposium will include two interesting lectures and a break for discussion over lunch or snacks. 

Next symposium: Wednesday 14.02- @Observatory (מצפור) 30th floor, Eshkol Building, University of Haifa.

From molecular interactions to cellular interactions - multi-scale networks of inter and intra cell signaling and their control of adaptation and development


Question and Topic

Background materials

11:00 am – Yaron E. Antebi, Department of Molecular Genetics Weizmann Institute of Science.

  1. Antebi, Y.E., Linton, J.M., et al., Combinatorial Signal Perception in the BMP Pathway Cell 2017;170(6): 1184-96.
  2. Klumpe, H.E., Garcia-Ojalvo, J., Elowitz, M.B., and Antebi, Y.E., The Computational Capabilities of Many to Many Protein Interaction Networks Cell Systems 2023; 14(6):430-46.

between lectures, from noon to 1pm,  we will have a discussion and lunch – details TBA